Thursday, 10 September 2015

MEST 1 - Exam blog

A-Level Media Studies Introdcution

1.I have chosen media studies, because I find it to be a subject that I have genuine interest in, and that's what makes it such a great subject for me as I can both learn and enjoy - it is very motivating.

2. I think the media is important because it shares literally everything around the world, and simply is a less of a hassle for keeping up with the world, unless you're a caveman.

3. I hopefully will be able to learn, interpret, analyse, etc in contextual media ways, different from what I have learnt to do so by myself, so I will definitely be able to further and look into views from a different perspective.

4. I am interested particularly in films, the internet and video editing. I have self taught myself to be proficient in Sony Vegas, and hopefully Adobe After Effects if I am to take it to the next level.

5. I have never done Media GCSE, but I am very forward to learning it in an A-level.

6. My other post-16 subject are English Literature and ICT.

RBK 50 Cent advert 

From a first initial glance we can denote the rapper artist, 50 Cent of course, and a quote from him. Both a picture and a name referral in the advert could possibly mean he wants to have a strong recognition. Also to mention the finger prints to the right - possibly inferring his or someone's criminal past, and how the quote applies to them or him. Connoting his camouflaged snapback, it looks like a relation to the military forces, perhaps the "plan B" is joining the army if one is unsuccessful in an aspiration. The black and white/grey colour scheme is definitely very basic and dull, because we usually see a certain colour i.e green to pointer positiveness, or red for danger. However for black and white/grey we can possibly say that the two colours signify neutral values, because we have a balance of both colours. Maybe the colour scheme correlates the the quote; meaning people should take no chances. The rapper's pose and facial expression also says something. His mood we can tell is very serious, perhaps a direct nod to the reader, and effect the quote has to give. The composition and setting is also very serious and dull, because it is just pitch black. Maybe this is a way of nudging the readers to ignore everything else in the background; to not infer and take anything else, except the very nature of the quote. The type of shot is also very effecting, because as mentioned before how much meaning 50 Cent's facial expression has, perhaps the close up was a way to emphasize on it. The lighting was complementary of this too, because it is more focused on his face, again. Subject of matter, the advert and quote of matter was simply a way of reaching out to 50 Cent's fans who presumably are teenagers. This would be a particularly effective to the rapper's audience because he is an idol to them, and obviously the message would mean more.

The photo most likely has an oppositional reading to people, especially to those who are unfit, because the idea and recognition of a perfect model body shown is just not as possible. Hence the idea may be reinforced and have a down casting, significant effect as taking into account the things that generally occupy people, as opposed to a model and fitness related person that devotes most of their time to acquire body aesthetics. With that in note 99.9% , if not all of pictures that showcase an "ideal" body in the media are photo shopped, therefore divides what is actually possible and the expectation. The colour - a bright yellow theme connotes happiness, fun and ultimately, summer. In addition the body is more emphasized by the grey and very desaturated colour, however the choice of colours for this is very confusing - maybe it is an implication to my point earlier, that the two - summer and an unrealsitic body do not go together for everyone. Likewise the bold text is very "in your face" impacting.    

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