Friday, 16 October 2015

Narrative blog task:

From the first few initial seconds there is a blatant identification of Thomas (the protagonist) being applied to Propp's list of stock characters as possibly the Hero or Helper, simply because he is mourning for the loss of his dying friend, hence why this is a perfect example of disequilibrium, according to Todorov's theories. The disequilibrium is the simply the inevitable death of his friend, and are therefore given a linear narrative pattern of his death. In addition as we progress further, we see a demonstration of enigma codes - at a first glance we see gloomy, unfocused figures that may arise questions to whether they are good or bad, simply adding more suspense and "more salt to the wound" as to say.

Right from the start we see the conventions of an action movie, the binary opposition of hero and villain according to Propp's theory. We also see Todorov's equilibrium due to the villian (Joker) being caught, and under surveillance from Batman and the cops, therefore also meaning that all is well and everything is under control.

In the beginning we see a blatant cry of help from the hostages and the little boy, as well as armed terrorists that signify an action code - that all will surely be killed. However Todorov's theory of potential new equilibrium and equilibrium is demonstrated may prove otherwise, when the Iron Man arrives. Potential new equilibrium because we are not sure whether everything prevails according to what we expect as an audience of linear narrative to have a typical, conventional scenes where the hero saves everyone. So in this case, the hostages would have to be "The Princess" according to Propp's theory, and The Villains to obviously be the terrorists because they cause complications. 

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