Ill Manors: e-media off-site research:
Ill Manors Facebook page:
1,) The Ill Manors film page on Facebook has reached 29,882 likes.
2.) The top page is promoting giveaways of a free copy of ILL Manors - obviously this won't have an effect knowing that there is a full version uploaded to YouTube, however it just goes to show the support that Ben Drew "Plan B"'s fans have for him. It gives a cross-promotion/synergy from Revolver Entertainment.
This post celebrates Plan B's success as an artist, plus as a 'British Male', probably for his intuition towards Britain and his attempts to bring good will. This as a result just spreads Ben Drew "Plan B"'s success and that he's pioneered his own way of good practices like this.
This post show's Plan B's generosity and opportunity towards his fans. This post raises awareness and the search for hidden talent in films, even given a synergy and cross-promotion between Revolver Entertainment and Gunslinger Films, as well as the BFI, of course.
Another cross-promotion for his fellow film artist's movie, as well as music artists. It refers to another film that has a similar concept to his own, ILL Manors, called OFFENDER. This sort of shows and encourages the issues presented in ILL Manors to be extended and understood for his viewers.
This post is to divert all attention to his album, "Ill Manors", while also creating a synergy for his film which has the same title subject "ILL Manors". This obviously helps his growth as a music artist, however acknowledging the links, it also helps him grow as a film director/producer.
This post gives an insight on his film, ILL Manors, possibly creating 'hype' and attraction for his fans.
4.) Their main source of creating a synergy obviously comes from their Facebook fans, however more significantly they also have celebrity/known at least supporters. As a result, there is a mutual support between each celebrity and the ILL Manors film page, given that both get some sort of popularity.
5.) Examples of UGC/oppurtunities are as mentioned before...
Gives young people who are strive to pursue a career in the future as a film maker, or simply just for the experience are welcome, and this post kick starts them.
Similar prior to the film opportunity is also the opportunity given to those in the career in the film industry already. The promotion of films as well as growing music artists gives them an opportunity as well.
6.) Cross-promotion in social media is very likely, and for ILL Manors, the hashtags from their campaign videos have given lots of publicity, then as a result more likes on Facebook, etc, a constant chain reaction and 'domino effect'. Examples are celebrities especially that have a big influence and can direct their audience/fan's attention when they promote ILL Manors.
7.) Twitter graffiti campaign link on Facebook screengrab:
Ill Manors Twitter feed:
1.) The Ill Manors twitter feed promotes the film through updates, exclusive content, little snippets/trailers of the film in order to create a pre-fan base, 'hype'.
2.) The obvious main hash tag used in their Twitter feed is #ILL Manors in order to create a synergy between 'sharing' their publicity of Plan B's album name, plus the film name itself.
3.) Not exactly a celebrity, but a film company:
Revolver: @iLL Manors has been nominated for 3 @Bifa_Film awards including Best debut director for @4planB and Best Actor for @Rizmc- Congrats guys!
This tweet as a promotion result is from sharing the film's successes and nominations, it gives the audience who haven't watched the film yet an initial 'pre-reaction' to how good the film is.
ACER: iLL Manors is one of the best films I've watched this year. Watch it.
This tweet from a lyric writer is short and snappy, but it gives a clear message that the film is something to not miss out on.
MIC: Watching iLL Manors
This tweet from a rap artist wants his followers to acknowledge the film, usually tweets are about important stuff or the total opposite, tweeting about your daily life, and this just gives it good publicity as if it's another mainstream, popular movie.
4.) The ILL Manors page has used pictures effectively to produce a message and meaning without words, but also in a short span of time. It opens up ambiguous interpretations and views, which the Tag London's campaign was all trying to encourage young people to have opinions in politics.
This tweet associated with the Tag London campaign helps create and 'communicate' with teenagers today in London of their 'language', and the method Plan B uses to deliver this is from graffiti messages.
6.) In and around Oxford street? Get your #iLLManors DVD or Blu-ray signed by @4planB and the cast at HMV Oxford street from 6pm and onwards!
This tweet and it's intentions are used for Plan B's reputation and fans for his music to attract an audience, but to also at the same time give publicity for his film.
Ill Manors on Instagram:
1.) Instagram - a social media site that concisely is used to share pictures around the world has been used for Ill Manors, and this is a perfect and exciting way to keep fans updated for the film. From production pictures to promotional, business pictures, it is a great way to keep a follower base, as well as maybe gaining some fans along the way.
this Instagram picture is in French, and it shows the wide spread of audience that Ill Manors has intended to reach. It is effective in promoting the film, given the large targeted audience.
here is another example, but this time in German.
3.) Common hashtags in Instagram Ill Manors:
- #TagLondon
- #Haveyoursay
YouTube - planbuk channel:
1.) One of the most visited sites in the internet and biggest social media's - YouTube has been used for ILL manors and it's promotion. The channel offers a promotion to both the film and Plan B as an artist in every video, seeing that there is always some sort of link to other work.
2.) The synergy links and cross-promotions come from every video's description; it includes links to other social media's and how viewers can help, plus links to Ben Drew "Plan B" himself as an artist.
3.) Other social media's used by Ill manors are as listed:
- Official website
- iTunes